The Summit Blue-ing the Circular Economy, held virtually from June 5-7, 2021, was part of the Climate Smart Institute’s strategy to share knowledge and raise awareness about the transition from a linear to a circular economy, and the connection between circular and blue economies.

Over three days, entrepreneurs, investors, private sector and NGO leaders, researchers, representatives from Atlantic communities (continental or island nations in the Atlantic Ocean), and renowned professionals discussed how the world and Brazil are progressing towards more respectful business practices and nature-inspired models.

Key topics included Sustainable and Circular Fashion with Kim Poldner, improvements in Packaging and Products In The Industry presented by Lisa Lieuberbaum from Ambev and Carlos Ohde from FIT Institute of Technology, Blue Carbon, and The Ecosystem of Entrepreneurs and Investors in Circular and Blue Economies with Fabio Alperowitch, Philippe Prufer, and Angélica Rotondaro. Highlights included a panel with sailors Tatiana Zanardi, Heloisa Schurmann, and Paulina Chamorro discussing plastics in the ocean, and a session with island nations featuring Elsa Moraes Sarmento.

Synergies among the fishing, tourism, and restoration industries were showcased in the “Abrolhos Terra & Mar” case presented by Guilherme Dutra, Director of the Ocean Program at Conservation International. Business models allied with conservation in coastal areas and island nations, and their investment potential through strategic philanthropy and impact investment were also discussed in a panel with various representatives.

As a result, the summit generated the following publications: