Technology for Water Conservation in the Brazilian Savanna

Venture Philantrophy

Functional Food and Sustainable Extractivism led by Agriwomen in the Savanna

This project targets the strengthening of a sustainable extractivism value chain and smallholder network from Governmental Land Settlements, led by Agri-Women (3 generations), organized in cooperatives and associations as well as teenagers co-related to the sustainable extractivism including the indigenous villages.

They are located in the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado), a biome which deforestation rate has been higher than the one in the Amazon. According to Greenpeace, from 2013 to 2015 only, an area of over 18.962 km² of this biome have been devastated.

The project contributes to the Cerrado’s restoration and conservation targets by strengthening these groups’ socio-political position by providing them with the tools and training to develop an online communication platform to work as a communication ‘hub’ among partners/internal and external publics.

The online platform will serve as a showcase of the products being developed with the Cerrado nuts (Baru nuts) and the impact it has on conservation, as well as a news room where women and teenagers will report – blog, text, videos, photography etc. The online platform is, at the same time, a knowledge sharing tool in which information about native plants, seeds, traditional production processes, will be stored and shared.

For more details about the project, please check: Agriwomen of the Savanna

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